
→ deutsche Version

1984- US Pass

Hans Harald Huber: Contrary to what my name may suggest, I was born and raised in the United States, as an American with German parents. The roots of my enthusiasm for German-English dialogue, however, reach back much further: my family has been crossing the “big pond” for six generations – in both directions.

Born in New England, in “the Hub”, better known as Boston, I grew up in a bilingual household. Trips as a youth to the Old World gave me early insights into the challenges and pitfalls of switching back and forth between these historically and etymologically related languages.

Milestones in my career

  • Since 2005: founder, managing director, and owner of hanshuber.org translations
  • 1994 – 2004: Editor-in-Chief of Card-Forum, das aktuelle Kartenmagazin, and Card Forum International, trade journals on smart card applications such as identification, customer loyalty, and electronic commerce with subscribers in 16 countries (German edition) and in 34 countries (English edition). In this capacity: consultancy for the Smart Card Forum Europe and president of the Sesames Innovations Awards jury, Cartes, Paris.
  • 1991 – 1994: Managing Editor with Hoppenstedt & Wolff (subsidiary of Darmstadt-based business media publisher Hoppenstedt (now Bisnode). As Managing Editor of à la Card Euro-News, responsible for German-English translations and for editing reports on customer loyalty, electronic payment and ID systems.
  • 1990 – 1991: Translator with Unitext Technische Übersetzungen und Technische Dokumentation GmbH (Berlin)


  • Graduate of the School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.: “Master of Science in Foreign Service”, “Certificate of Merit”
  • Master of Education, Leuphana University
  • Education at universities in the United States (Tufts University in Medford, Georgetown University in Washington, D.C.) and Germany (Tübingen, Magdeburg, Berlin, Bonn, Lüneburg) in political science, international relations, journalism, pedagogy, psychology, philosophy and in German and English linguistics
  • Scholarships from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Fulbright and Konrad Adenauer Foundation

Internships (1986–1990)

  • Conference Group on German Politics, Berlin
  • U.S. State Department, General Consulate, Frankfurt am Main
  • German Parliament, Bonn
  • Austrian-American Educational Commission, Linz
  • Hochschule für Recht und Verwaltung, Potsdam


Travels around the globe from northern Scandinavia to the souks of Marrakesh, from India to San Francisco, and from the Black Forest to the Black Sea, have provided insights into the variety of “Englishes” spoken by many as their first foreign language.